Leadership Corpus Christi Alumni


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  • May 30, 2024 11:48 AM | Thomas Cronnon (Administrator)

    Not sure if you've been following the madness over at the Leadership Corpus Christi Alumni Association today but four classes came together to help fund scholarships for the next "Best Class Ever!" You can see all of the details on the LCC Facebook page 

    We are so grateful for the ongoing support of our alumni

    If you're interested in donating to the LCC Scholarship Fund, the LCC Endowment Fund at the Coastal Bend Community Foundation, or the LCC and LCCA program funds you can do that over on their website: https://www.lccalumni.com/donate

  • May 22, 2024 9:33 PM | Thomas Cronnon (Administrator)

    The Leadership Corpus Christi Alumni Association is proud to announce the development of a dedicated scholarship fund for Leadership Corpus Christi participants! Donate today to help defray the cost for individuals and organizations who might not otherwise have the means to participate.


    You can also choose to donate in order to (1) support the LCC program more directly, (2) grow the LCC endowment fund at the Coastal Bend Community Foundation, or (3) help fund your LCCA's programs and events!

    Questions? Email leadershipccainfo@gmail.com

  • May 21, 2024 9:36 PM | Thomas Cronnon (Administrator)

    To see all of the session sponsors visit our social media: https://www.facebook.com/LeadershipCorpusChristiAlumni

  • May 20, 2024 9:21 PM | Thomas Cronnon (Administrator)

    The 2024 votes have been tabulated and LCCA is pleased to announce the following individuals as the winners of full three year terms:

    - Mylin Anandula (Class 49)

    - Victor Murillo (Class 51)

    - Kristen Heslip (Class 51)

    - Ginny Gross (Class 43)

    - Laura Rodgers (Class 42)

    In addition, all bylaw amendments on the ballot were approved by overwhelming majority. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's election!

  • April 30, 2024 9:39 PM | Thomas Cronnon (Administrator)

  • April 12, 2021 2:19 PM | C. Michelle Unda (Peters)

    Click here to download your 2021 LCCA Ballot. 

    Only ballots completed by paid Leadership Corpus Christi Alumni Association members will be counted. 

    Ballots are due by the end of LCCA Annual Meeting/LCC Class 49 Graduation on May 20, 2021.

  • July 22, 2020 6:30 PM | C. Michelle Unda (Peters)

    Congratulations and Thank You to our 2020 LCCA Alumnus of the Year: Angie Flores-Granado, LCC XXXIV!

    Angie was nominated and chosen for her servant leadership heart. She works tirelessly behind the scenes connecting Coastal Bend leaders with Texas Representative Todd Hunter and always for the betterment of our entire area; one such example is the continuous role she plays in the fight against TWIA hikes.

    Angie puts in tremendous effort year after year to ensure Leadership CC class participants get the most of their trip to the Texas Capitol.

    Her list of accomplishments and efforts continues and is sure to be reflected in the future successes of Corpus Christi and the Coastal Bend.

  • July 18, 2020 10:19 PM | C. Michelle Unda (Peters)

    Greetings fellow LCC Alum! 

    We know this year has been a challenging one for all, but you will be incredibly happy to know that LCC and the LCCA have persevered! You can imagine the difficulties in continuing and completing a monthly class schedule during the trying times we find ourselves in, but somehow, some way, your LCC Steering Committee, led by Class Chair Patty Clark and Class Chair Elect Mickey Kramer, made it happen! 

    In that spirit of perseverance we are happy to announce that LCC Graduation and the LCCA Annual Meeting will be held virtually on July 22nd at 6pm.  

    Please see the latest e-newsletter to make sure you can attend and congratulate these intrepid leaders, the very next generation LCCA and Steering Committee Leadership.

    Not to be left behind your LCC Alumni Board has been hard at work as well, tailoring our programming to fit our current new normal. We look forward to bringing you the best we have to offer be it virtual or hopefully in person as soon as trends allow. 

    We also remind you that voting for new members of your alumni board is still open and will close at our Annual Meeting so follow the link below to throw your support behind our most deserving members.

    On behalf of Alumni President Alyssa Barrera Mason and the rest of the Alumni Board, I wish you well and remind you that no matter the circumstances Leadership is always essential. 

    LCCA Chair Elect,

    Jonathan Torres, LCC 44

    LCC Graduation & LCCA Annual Meeting ZOOM
    Wednesday, July 22nd

  • April 20, 2020 9:02 AM | C. Michelle Unda (Peters)

    In keeping with the spirit and legacy of Leadership Corpus Christi, we are looking for the Best of the Best to apply for LCC Class 49!

    Just because we can't mix, mingle and mentor like we normally do each Spring doesn't mean LCCA is leaving our applicants high and dry. But we need YOUR HELP.

    Log in Wednesday, April 22, for our Virtual Application Review Mixer!

    We're going live, in Zoom, so YOU can help mentor Class 49 applicants.

    Not sure what to say? No problem! Our board will facilitate the discussion starting with a few knowledge experts. Chime in when you're ready!

    Know someone who should apply? Invite them to bring completed/partially completed applications to tomorrow's Zoom!

    See all the details here in our Facebook Event

    Link to LCC Class Application

    Don't miss out on your opportunity to also be apart of the next Best Class Ever! Class 49 Steering Committee Chair Mickey Kramer is on the search for Steer Comm Applicants too!

    Link to LCC 49 Steering Committee Application

    We know that this year so far is a difficult one, filled with stresses we couldn't have thought fathomable just a few short months ago. No matter what befalls us, we Leadership Corpus Christi Alumni know our mission and vision stay the same because Leadership Endures. We will do what is difficult and we will do what is different ensuring the outcome remains the same, building the future leadership of our community one class at a time.

    LCCA Chair Elect

    Jonathan Torres, LCC 44

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Leadership Corpus Christi Alumni Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
P. O. Box 60031, Corpus Christi, TX 78466

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